A basketball camp is an instructional coaching enviroment for developing players that typically lasts for several hours, over consecutive days - providing participants with a longer, more qualitiative learning opportunity than they may be able to achieve in a typical weekly coaching session. |
Camps are characterised by the provision of a broad base of coach-led lessons, designed to help improve the core skills and technical understanding for all participants involved. Basketball camps are practical coaching sessions designed to introduce and develop new skills to players of varying abilities. Good camps should have a healthy balance between active physical participation, supported with the appropriate theoretical education that introduce players to the 3 key stages of learning: (1) Cognitive - Where the player is introduced to a new skill, so will be expected to be inconsistent and make many mistakes. At this stage, players require support and clear and postive guidance to show and tell them what they need to do. At a good camp, coaches should be able to correctly demonstrate and explain the new skill using relatable, easy-to-understand language and step-by-step visual examples that simplify the new skill so the developing player can copy and apply the skill themselves. Coaches should reinforce correct performance from players with positive feedback, while being patient, positive and proactive in helping rectify any incorrect technique. During this stage of learning, repetition and feedback are paramount so the pupil is clear on how to perform the skill and has sufficient time to practise the skill themselves, under the experienced eye of a suitably qualified coach. (2) Associative - Wher the player has a better understanding of the skill and becomes more consistent in being able to successfully perform it. At this stage, there are fewer technical mistakes which enables the player to concentrate for longer while practising the skill and process more complex information on how the new skill may be used alongside other skills or for competitive advantage. Players start to take 'ownership' of the developing skill and reinforce ability with more refined and foucsed repetitions. (3) Autonomous - At this stage, players develop consistency and accuracy without the need for high levels of concentration on performing the skill. Players are able to concentrate on other team-related taks and strategies, while performing the skill and adapt performance utilising the skill well, in game situations. Good basketball camps should be well organised by qualified and experienced coaches/practitioners who understand all 3 stages of learning and have the necessary ability to develop players within all 3 spheres, as appropriate. |
LSB camps have developed a reputation over the years as one of the most popular basketball learning environments for young players available across England, and are always in high-demand. We have had participants fly in from all across the world to partcipate in previous camps and are continually humbled by the immense positive feedback we receive from parents and players.
LSB camps place a heavy emphasis on fun-focused learning, led by charasmatic and inspirational coaches which create an atmosphere where young people feel welcomed and valued. Our players and parents enjoy what we do and show their appreciation by re-booking onto our camps again and again.
Feedback from from former campers and parents place a high-value on how we are able to teach new skills, create an enviroment where players make new friends, significantly improve health, concentration and listening skills - while having a fantastic time in the process.
We take great pride on ensuring no child is left behind and are constantly striving to improve all we do to make our camps better and better. If you're looking for a camp led by positive, responsible, qualified and passionate people - you've come to the right place!
8-18 year old boys and girls of all abilities.
*In some circumstances, we may be able to accept 7 year olds if they have some previous experience of coaching or the sports camp environment and/or have an older sibling attending the same camp*
The London School of Basketball follow and incorporate the COVID-19 health and safety guidelines issued by the governing body of basketball in England, (Basketball England). These guidelines have been developed through ongoing consultation with the Government, public health officials, key sport stakeholders and Sport England and place a priority on ensuring every measure has been taken in providing the safest playing and coaching environment for all LSB players, coaches, parents and staff.
All LSB Camps and coaching sessions undergo a full COVID-19 risk assessment, as directed by the governing body. To view the extent of the measures taken and risks assessed at each session, please view the Basketball England COVID-19 Risk Assessment template.
All parents/guardians of prospective LSB Camp participants will be required to fill out a COVID-19 screening document, as outlined here: Basketball England COVID-19 Screening template and also read and sign a COVID-19 Risk Information declaration.
*The required LSB Camp COVID-19 declarations and documents to be signed will be made available to parents/guardians when the LSB Camps officially resume*
All camp activities are divided into age and ability working groups, so your child will not be out of his/her depth.
Our coaches take great care and attention in assessing ability during initial drills and skills sessions then split the players into smaller work groups, who they will play and train with for the week, under the careful instruction of one of our qualified coaches.
Our camp work groups generally classify into the following work-groups:
(1) Beginners - Those who have limited experience and little to no previous coaching
(2) Intermediate - Those who have some experience and have been coached before
(3) Advanced - Those who play regularly and are coached as part of a team
(1) Suitable clothing - To participate in a LSB Camp, all participants must wear appropriate shoes Ideally basketball trainers/sneakers, but other trainers/sneakers are acceptable, providing they give adequate support around the feet and have a rubber outsole that does not easily slip on the playing surface. Players also need to wear sports clothing they are comfortable execising in. We recommend shorts and a t-shirt, however, tracksuits are also acceptable (though keep in mind players will get warm due to the nature of the activities).
(2) Water - All participants are required to bring their own bottle of water to stay hydrated throughout the day. At most of our facilities, there are water fountains, however we recommend all campers are well equipped with their own water bottles as there are multiple hydration breaks scheduled throughout the day.
(3) Packed Lunch - All campers are required to bring their own packed lunch each day of camp. Our camps break for lunch each day, where campers are taken to a supervised meal hall, where lunch is eaten. However, all food is to be prepared and provided by parents.
Depending on the venue, parents are welcomed to stay and watch the coaching sessions - however, in some cases, this may not be possible if the venue is not able to facilitate. If parents want to stay and watch the session, please be sure to check with us beforehand, upon booking so we are able to advise if your chosen venue has the necessary space for spectators.
All participants are welcomed and introduced to the coaching staff and taken through group warm ups.
Players are then split into similar age and ability groups and assigned a coaching station with their coach and introduced to the coaching skill being taught within the learning station.
Learning groups are then rotated through stations in 15 minute intervals, so a broad base of skills are taught and acquired during the morning sessions.
We learn, practise and refine technique through fully engaged games and drills throughout the morning session up until lunch.
After lunch we feature a key teaching topic of the day, delivered by an invited guest or one of the senior coaches or international/pro players. After the talk, all players are drafted into balanced teams who then compete in competitive 3on3 and 5on5 'NBA-styled' games.
At the end of each day, we do a camp warm down and a quick recap on the key learning points of the day are summarised with the coaches, players are all congratulated on their efforts and encouraged for their next session.
No. LSB Camps currently cater to day-campers with no overnight provision at this time. Camps typically start at 10am and run through to 3pm or 4pm, depending on the camp.
*Please be sure to check the specific timings of the camp you are interested in on the Camp Booking page*
No. LSB Camps do not currently accept childcare vouchers at this time.
Our cancellation and refund policy is detailed in full in section 4 of our Terms & Conditions
Please be sure to review all of the Terms & Conditions as they relate to your agreement to participate in a LSB Camp.
We strongly recommend parents book for the full number of days you may be interested in as all places are subject to availability and our camps invariably reach capacity on pre-bookings. However, if you book for one day and decide you'd like to book another on the same camp, we will do all we can to help accomodate a further booking if spaces allow.
No. Registration typically opens 15 minutes before the start of camp with sign out taking place for up to 15 minutes after camp. Parents are responsible for their children at all other times (excluding scheduled camp activities).
Please be advised of the following fees incurred for late pick ups:
(For camps that finish at 4pm)
4pm-4:15pm - Free
4:15pm-4:30pm - £10 late fee
4:30pm-5:00pm - £25 late fee
5:00pm-6:00pm - £50 late fee